
middle marsyangdi-dumre-ddamauli 132kv transmission line project, nepal

the middle marsyangdi-dumre-ddamauli 132kv transmission line project was signed with nepal electricity authority (nea) in 2014, the main components of the project include:

1. construction of 132kv 24/30 mva new-marsyangdi substation at markhickowk, tanahau.

2. expansion of existing damauli, middle marsyangdi and marsyangdi substations with 132kv line bays and 132kv line protection scheme at damauli substation.

the implementing of the project will not only benefit the output of electric power from power stations in the west of nepal, but also improving the construction of power grid in western nepal. and it is also the key project for the development of the power in nepal.

the 132kv gis of pinggao has been accepted by nea in 132kv marsyangdi substation
